Musicianship Achievement Program
Date: Spring 2025 (exact date TBA)
Suzuki Music School. 246 Post Rd. East. Westport, CT
Local Chair: Seray Goktekin
The MAP (Musicianship Achievement Program) is directed at students of CSMTA teachers and offers both a Performance and Theory section. Held annually, students can choose to participate in the Full MAP (both performance and theory) or just the Theory exam. With a total of 10 levels, students have the opportunity to perform memorized pieces, display keyboard skills and demonstrate written/aural awareness in accordance with the prescribed MAP syllabus.
For more information:
Chair: Seray Goktekin
Registration form:
General Information
The Musicianship Achievement Program (MAP) is a guide to the study of music for CSMTA-member teachers and their students in the pre-college years. The materials included at every level divide into the general areas of theory and performance. This well-integrated program is designed to be flexible enough to serve the needs of all students without compromising high standards and offers a complete pre-college theory course together with a performance opportunity. The student is made to feel proud of his/her accomplishments. The teacher has another organizational and motivating tool to use. The parents are able to follow their child’s progress at first hand and in close detail. All teachers are encouraged to consider MAP as a part of every student’s course of study.
The student participates in yearly auditions. MAP is a non-competitive event to recognize the individual achievement of a student in the areas of theory (written and aural awareness) and performance (keyboard skills and playing of several memorized pieces). A written and aural theory exam covering all aspects of musical study is graded and certificates are awarded in three categories: Pass, Honors, and High Honors. In addition, students who have participated successfully for five years are awarded a plaque; students who complete level 10 are given a special trophy. (See Guidelines and Rules for information on eligibility.)
The student is also given the opportunity to demonstrate keyboard skills and performance ability for a qualified judge. Although this is not graded, the student does receive the written comments of the judge and a pin in recognition of participation. Students may choose to take only the theory exam or to participate in the full program. There are no rules governing age and levels.
Teachers may register students at any of the MAP sites; use a separate registration form for each place and send it to the local chair. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable to a different date. Be sure to note the deadlines for submission.
Teachers entering students in the audition are expected to assist on audition day. Please indicate your preferred time on the registration form. A teacher registering students in multiple locations needs to volunteer in all locations.
Once the audition schedule has been set (shortly after the registration deadline), no changes in audition times can be made by the chairs. If you need to change an audition time for a student, arrange to switch times with another of your own students, preferably a student of a similar level (so the lengths of the auditions are the same). Then notify the chair, at least a week in advance, so the schedule can be corrected and the adjudicator can be given the appropriate materials.
On the registration form, indicate which students are eligible for the 5-year plaque. Any student who has completed 5 years of MAP successfully (full or theory only) is eligible for a plaque; the 5 years need not be consecutive. Also, students who complete MAP with successful participation in Level 10 plus a minimum of 5 years of participation (as described above) will receive a special trophy. After the exams are corrected, and after the state chair has verified eligibility for either the plaque or trophy, the teacher will be sent the awards to present to the student.
Full MAP (Performance Audition and Theory Exam) Hosted by Hartford County
A student should plan to spend at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours doing the full MAP. This includes arriving 15 minutes early to register, 15-20 minutes for the performance audition (depending on the level), and about 45 minutes for the theory test. The time allotted for the performance audition includes keyboard skills, sight reading and transposition, and rhythm as well as repertoire.
Levels 1 and 2: 15 minutes
Levels 3 and 4: 18 minutes
Levels 5-10: 20 minutes
The non-repertoire portion of the audition takes 5-10 minutes, depending mostly on the proficiency of the student. Please consider the time available when selecting repertoire. All music must be in the original for the piano; no arrangements or simplifications are permitted.
In keyboard skills, although the student must prepare all the required keys, he or she will be tested in only one or two keys.
In playing of repertoire:
Eliminate repeats when possible.
Judge may need to halt the performance of a piece to stay within the allotted audition time.
Students must provide a copy of the music for the judge. No Xeroxes allowed unless accompanied by a letter from the publisher.
Please number the measures at the beginning of each line.
Theory Exam Only (Fairfield, New Haven, and Middlex/New London)
Theory exams are not scheduled for a specific time. The local chair will designate hours on MAP day during which exams may be taken and notify teachers.